Thursday, April 20, 2017

Roughest Draft: Argo and Persepolis

Who is telling the story?

The Islamic Revolution was in full blast in 1979. Iran has strict censorship policies, which limits the people of Iran to be able to express themselves freely whether it be music, name brand materials, movies, and numerous other activities. These limitations are still active today, but two stories in particular occurred directly in the middle of the revolution and the stories live on today. Persepolis, first a graphic novel, then was turned into an animated biographical film. The story follows author and director, Marjane Satrapi throughout her young childhood years, into her life as an adult during the Islamic Revolution. This movie has been translated into three languages, but the original was made in French. The second story is Argo. This thriller drama 2012 film is directed by Ben Affleck. The movie was based off a true story of a CIA mission named Canadian Caper. This real mission, transformed into a film of the Islamic revolution hostage situation at the United States embassy in Iran closely follows many situations that happened during this time in history. The purpose of comparing these two films set during the Islamic revolution of 1979 is examining who is telling the story, and how the story changes based off who is telling it. We will be finding similarities and differences amongst an Iranian born Islamic female Marjane Satrapi and Ben Affleck/former CIA agent Tony Mendez. Interviews, scholarly journals, and examination of filming techniques will assist in finding the similarities and differences between the two.

Persepolis was narrated from the standpoint of a Marxist raised middle class Iranian female. Marjane Satrapi and her family were viewed as radicalisms in her town, and feared walking the streets of Tehran frightened by the Muslim fundamentalist who took power during the Islamic Revolution. Marjane growing up witnessed firsthand family members being murdered, arrested, and ________. The arrest and execution of her Uncle Anoosh was the final straw which led her to act out in class and get in trouble with the police by breaking modesty laws.  Going to school abroad for her remaining grade school years, college, and early adulthood Marjane avoided talking about her nationality and religion at all costs. To new friends she would say, “I am French, born and raised in Paris.” Marjane felt the need for this because of how the rest of the world views Iran and Iraqi people in the 1980’s and still today. In an interview with Bitch magazine Satrapi encourages non-Iranians, “the 70 million people [of Iran] are human beings, they are not an abstract notion. They are individuals with life, love, hopes. Their life is worth the life of anybody else in the world.” (Frames and Mirrors). Satrapi attempts to teach people through her graphic narrative and biographical animated film the frameworks of acceptance with the use of  “pictorial framing of the comic art panel.” (framing and mirrors). In Persepolis the audience sees that Marjane is a normal teenage girl who loves punk rock, Kim Wilde, and Bruce Lee. Elajih(author of article) believes the purpose of showing Marjane’s infatuation with western pop culture is to not only “piece together a divided identity,” but to bring forward the contrasting sides Marjane had to live with growing up during this time in Iran. In a single frame Marjane is pictured in her Hijab with a Persian artworks in the backdrop, placed next to image of Marjane free of the Hijab surrounded by posters, clothes, etc. This technique Marjane used throughout her film is to assist her audience in understanding the competing states of her life.

(paragraph about other graphic novels from Middle East, with sources included)

Argo was told from the standpoint of a white male CIA agent entering the ciunrty of Iran in the middle of the Islamic Revolution for an undercover mission. The opening scene of this movie begins with a group of Iran/Iraqi protestors swaying an American flag that is on fire outside of the American embassy. With a movie beginning in this way automatically gives the audience an idea on who/ what type of person is telling this story. Within the first five minutes the audience sees the people of Iraq and Iran as mad people in the wrong, and with that initial image of these people, sets the stage for how the director, Ben Affleck, wants the audience to view the people of Iraq and Iran. In an interview with director of Good Will Hunting Gus Van Sant, Affleck explains how he wishes he could have traveled to Iran to see the country in person but the studio said “it was a bad idea… whenever people go there (Iran) they always end up being followed by secret service agents.” (Ben AFFLECK)With this movie being released in 2012, during the United States and Iraq war, Americans already had their stereotype of Iran/Iraq people figured out. The story of Argo seems so far-fetched the fact that it is a true story brings light to so many questions unanswered within the film. In an interview with Ben Affleck and Tony Mendez (the actual spy who completed the Argo mission of 1981) go into detail about the feature film. “The events in Argo weren’t the first time. I was working with them (Hollywood) routinely,” Mendez says. The completed mission of Argo was just one short chapter of Mendez’s entire spy career. People may question how accurate Ben Affleck’s movie may be, since it is not categorized as a documentary. Mendez states, “I didn’t think he needed to change a thing.”

Both of these films Persepolis and Argo took place at the exact same time within the same region of the world. What makes them so different? Persepolis is a black and white animated film. The specific purpose for the film being told in black and white animation was to prove that the people in the movie put in these different scenarios could be from any country not just specifically Iranians. Color of skin, or miniscule physical features could not be depicted to prove that characters were a certain race. Persepolis being told from a female perspective reveals some situations to be more lighthearted than if it was told from a male’s point of view. For example, in multiple scenes Marjane goes into great emotion about relationships with boys. Yes this is an autobiography and this was a part of her story, but most would agree these scenes do not add to the plot of the movie. Persepolis was first released in French in 2007, then translated into English, Persian, German, and Italian. This clearly show Marjane’s direction on who she wanted to appreciate and learn about her film, everyone.   Argo is a biography drama filmed in color. This movie being filmed in color gives it more life and feeling of being in the streets of Iran during the Islamic revolution. Color is necessary to depict who are the Americans and who are the Iranian people throughout. Argo is told by not only a male, but a CIA spy. The narrator makes himself clear throughout the actions of his overall mission that he will do anything no matter how implausible it may seem, and add a couple badass riot scenes to keep the audience on their toes. Argo has not been translated into any other languages, it is only featured in English, which again clearly shows what audience Ben Affleck was reaching out to, Americans. Both of these films show straightforward differences that are obvious on purpose to assist viewers in representing who is telling the story.

(paragraph about similarities, with sources included)

Persepolis and Argo were both box office hits, receiving enormous amounts of attention from people across the world. Still today, Persepolis is not sold or streamed on televisions in Iraq and Iran because of their strict conservative laws and the governmental standpoint of Marjane’s story being inaccurate. The course concept of transnationalism is clearly the focal point throughout both movies. Persepolis is a melting pot of cultures all thrown into one animated feature length film. Marjane is Iranian, her movie was originally released in French, and her artistic technique used for her cartoon has a Persian flare. Argo includes two languages throughout the film, English and Farci. The movie takes place in the United States and multiple countries in the middle east. The importance of transnationalism in film is becoming more prevalent and viewed as a way to unite the people of the world. Information about similar historical events told from various countering people one ups history textbooks for the sake of perspective.  


  1. Sound like you really understand what your topic is about. Great comparison skills. I have never watched Argo, but you make it sound extremely interesting. These are two very successful films I am glad you are comparing these two films.

  2. Lots of detail and it seems like you have made quite a neat comparison os Persepolis and Argo. I I would recommend maybe a little more formatting to make it spaced out a bit more as you have so much information that it can be a bit hard to follow.


  3. Your central question is somewhat clear and you offer clear evidence about how these films are different, but these differences seem to arise more from questions of genre rather than authorial point of view. (Memoir vs. historical drama; animated film vs. drama, etc.) What were the respective OBJECTIVES of Satrapi and Affleck? What kind of portrait does each paint of the Iranian Revolution? These are important ideas to your topic that you only sketch or that are missing all together.

    You have some secondary resources and but there is no works cited.

    Your opening and conclusion are clear but you employ few effective strategies to organize your thoughts. Preview your main ideas and use headers to help us follow along.

    Your discursive mechanics need a lot of attention. Firstly, use the present tense exclusively. You keep switching from past to present and its very distracting. Secondly, be sure to employ good blog formatting: single space, sans-serif font (like Calibri or Verdana), punchy paragraphs, hyperlinks and bolded key terms.

  4. Interesting comparison. I did not know that both movies were technically about the same thing. I guess I just never made the connection. It is interesting that you point out that the narrator really changes how the story is told. I think that gets forgotten when it comes to movies. Only thing I would say is you need to make your thesis more clear at the beginning. Other than that, the detail and everything else is fairly solid
